miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


What would you do if you won the lottery???

If I won the lottery the first thing I do is buy a big house and move with my family is my sister, my mother, my father and my pets, Kirby and Pearl. The latter would keep the rest is frozen in the bank. Then build my own school and hire a very efficient staff. Then make love, I like the idea of a foundation to train people, I e as a vocational center for people to become technicians in something like computer science or teach them to do something so they can support themselves and their families.

Then I think I would relax and take it easy, helping people, because if you do not share anything you have it you have it. I think that winning the lottery would be nice if we do not go bad and do not change our lifestyle if we still have the same belief in the same way of seeing life could help others and feel good.

Laura Yapor 2009-1485 EDMM

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